Recovery Focusing Manual
This Recovery Focusing Manual is a guide into how Felt Sensing can be integrated into a 12 Step Program of Recovery. It is set up so that each Step can be printed out and worked on individually or with a group. It is basically about Focusing Into each Step, what it's meaning is now, and then waiting for a felt experience of this to form and be symbolized. The manual is designed primarily for group work in treatment centers.
Using the H.O.W. We Heal model for group work, Recovery Focusing explores “the worst of” an addictive process and compares this with “the best of Recovery” so that we are clear on the choice we face daily: to return to the sunken flat powerlessness of addiction or enjoy the empowered aliveness of Recovery. By experiencing the possible “best of” Recovery, we allow our body to have a felt hope of Recovery, an inner manifestation of all that could be. It acts as a light toward which we are moving, a light which we can actually experience now!